CCISD Grow 360 Professional Learning Day has ended
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Mallory Glaisyer

Nassau Bay, Texas
The urbandictionary definition of MALLORY: Inexplicable. Describes a woman who is mean, bitchy, rude, and stuck up, yet beautiful, caring, funny, and loveable, all at the same time. She is an object of desire, lust, and adoration by all men (and even some women), and that of envy, jealousy, and hate by most women. She is amazing, in all aspects of the word. You Know You're A Teacher When... 1.You can hear 25 voices behind you and know exactly which one belongs to the child out of line. 2.You get a secret thrill out of laminating something. 3.You walk into a store and hear the words "It's Ms/Mr. _________" and know you have been spotted. 4.You have 25 people that accidentally call you Mom/Dad at one time or another. 5.You can eat a multi-course meal in under twenty-five minutes. 6.You've trained yourself to go to the bathroom at two distinct times of the day: lunch and prep period. 7.You start saving other people's trash, because most likely, you can use that toilet paper tube or plastic butter tub for something in the classroom. 8.You have programmed yourself to say sweetie or honey instead of #@?!!*@? 9.You say everything twice. I mean, you repeat everything and then you ask… “Does everyone understand?” 10.You sing the “Alphabet song” to yourself as you look up a number in the phone book. 11.You feel the urge to talk to strange children and correct their behavior when you are out in public. 12.You think caffeine should be available in intravenous form. 13.You ask if anyone needs to go to the bathroom as you enter a theater with a group of friends. 14.You say “I like the way you did that” to the mechanic who repairs your car. 15.You understand instantaneously why a child behaves a certain way after meeting his or her parents. 16.You have no time for a life from August to June. 17.You write your name conspicuously on all personal objects, including your car keys, your masking tape, your textbook, and your chair. 18.You correct grammar and spelling on restaurant menus. 19.You have explained to a child that being a rock in the school play is an important role. 20.You spend more money on school stuff than you do on your own children. 21.You can't pass the school supply aisle without getting at least five items! 22.You find true beauty in a can full of perfectly sharpened pencils.